I've decided to run two similar lists for both tournaments, following my MSU philosophy. My models (WHFB Empire) suit either Kingdoms of Men or League of Rhordia. I've spoken a little bit about the differences here. I'll talk about my list philosophy (such as it is) in a later post.
The Lists:
2500 - Kingdoms of Men - The Grand Company of Westhaven
Shield Wall HordeFoot Guard Regiment (with two-handed weapons)
Spear Phalanx Regiment x 2
Pole-Arms Block Troops x 2
Arquebusiers Troop x 4
Knights Regiment x 2Mounted Scouts Troop with carbines
CannonSiege Engine
Beast of War with Light Ballista
Army Standard Bearer, Mounted, with Healing CharmArmy Standard Bearer, with The Boomstick
General on a Winged Beast
Hero, Mounted, with Blade of Slashing
Wizard, with Lightning Bolt and Bane Chant, and Inspiring Talisman
2000 - League of Rhordia - The Company of Prinz Johannes of Westhaven
City Spear Militia Regiment x 2House Guard Regiment
City Militia Troop x 2
Musket Block Troop x 4
Household Knights Regiment x 2Halfling Iron Beast
Baron, Mounted, with Mace of CrushingDuke on Ancient Winged Aralez
Halfling Sorcerer with Inspiring Talisman.
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